
See also Teaching and readings

Selected publications till 1979
(By lab policy authors are listed in alphabetic order ) & Main Publications from 1980

until 1979

· Angel A, Magni F, Strata P (1965) Evidence for presynaptic inhibition in the lateral geniculate body. Nature 208: 495-496

· Berlucchi G, Maffei L, Moruzzi G, Strata P (1965) Mécanismes hypnogènes du tronc de l’encéphale antagonistes du système réticulaire activateur. In: Aspects anatomofonctionels de la physiologie du sommeil. Ed Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, pp 89-105

· Berlucchi G, Strata P (1965) Ocular phenomena during synchronized sleep. In: Aspects anatomofonctionels de la physiologie du sommeil. Ed Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 285-307

· Eccles JC, Sasaki K, Strata P (1967) Interpretation of the potential fields generated in the cerebellar cortex by a mossy fibre volley. Exp Brain Res 3: 58-80

· Eccles JC, Sasaki K, Strata P (1967) A comparison of the inhibitory actions of Golgi cells and of basket cells. Exp Brain Res 3: 81-94

· Sasaki K, Strata P (1967) Responses evoked in the cerebellar cortex by stimulating mossy fibre pathways to the cerebellum. Exp Brain Res 3: 95-100

· Eccles JC, Provini L, Strata P, Taborikova H (1968) Analysis of electrical potentials evoked in the cerebellar anterior lobe by stimulation of hindlimb and forelimb nerves. Exp Brain Res 6: 171-194

· Eccles JC, Provini L, Strata P, Taborikova H (1968) Topographical investigations on the climbing fiber inputs from forelimb and hindlimb afferents to the cerebellar anterior lobe. Exp Brain Res 6: 195-215

· Provini L, Redman S, Strata P (1968) Mossy and climbing fibre organization on the anterior lobe of the cerebellum activated by forelimb and hindlimb areas of the sensorimotor cortex. Exp Brain Res 6: 213-233

· Ferin M, Grigorian RA, Strata P (1971) Mossy and climbing fiber activation in the cat cerebellum by stimulation of the labyrinth. Exp Brain Res 12: 1-17

· Bisti S, Iosif G, Marchesi GF, Strata P (1971) Pharmacological properties of the inhibitions in the cerebellar cortex. Exp Brain Res 14: 24-37

· Buchtel HA, Iosif G, Marchesi GF, Provini L, Strata P (1972) Analysis of the activity evoked in the cerebellar cortex by stimulation of the visual pathways. Exp Brain Res 15: 278-288

· Buchtel HA, Rubia FJ, Strata P (1973) Cerebellar unitary responses to moving visual stimuli. Brain Res 50: 463-466

· Gordon M, Rubia FJ, Strata P (1973) The effect of pentothal on the activity evoked in the cerebellar cortex. Exp Brain Res 17: 50-62

· Belcari P, Carli GC, Strata P (1974) The projection of the posterior knee joint nerve to the cerebellar cortex. J Physiol (Lond) 237: 371-384

· Strata P (1975) The dual input to the cerebellar cortex. In: Santini M (Ed) Golgi Centennial Symposium. Raven Press, New York, pp 272-280

· Strata P (1976) Das Kleinhirn. In: Gauer OH, Kramer K, Jung R (Eds) Physiologie des Menschen. Urban und Schwarzenberg, München, Berlin, Wien, vol 14, pp 421-463

· Strata P (1976) A general review of the physiological function of the neuronal machine in the cerebellar cortex. In: Creutzfeldt O (Ed) Afferent and intrinsic organization of laminated structures in the brain. Exp Brain Res Suppl 1: 103-112

· Montarolo PG, Raschi F, Strata P (1979) Interaction between benzodiazepines and GABA in the cerebellar cortex. Brain Res 162: 358-362

· Montarolo PG, Raschi F, Strata P (1979) Interaction between benzodiazepines and GABA in the cerebellar cortex. Brain Res 162: 358-362

from 1980

· Precht W, Montarolo PG, Strata P (1980) The role of the crossed and uncrossed retinal fibres in mediating the horizontal optokinetic nystagmus in the cat. Neurosci Lett 17: 39-42 [abstract]

· Montarolo PG, Raschi F, Strata P (1980) On the origin of the climbing fibres of the cerebellar cortex. Pflügers Arch 383: 137-142 [abstract]

· Precht W, Strata P (1980) On the pathway mediating optokinetic responses in vestibular nuclear neurons. Neuroscience 5: 777-787

· Montarolo PG, Precht W, Strata P (1981) Functional organization of the horizontal optokinetic nystagmus in the cat. Neuroscience 6: 231-246

· Montarolo PG, Raschi F, Strata P (1981) Are the climbing fibres essential for the Purkinje cell inhibitory action? Exp Brain Res 42: 215-218 [abstract]

· Strata P, Montarolo PG (1982) Functional aspects of the inferior olive. Arch ital Biol 120: 321-329 [abstract]

· Montarolo PG, Palestini M, Strata P (1982) The inhibitory effect of the olivocerebellar input on the cerebellar Purkinje cells in the rat. J Physiol (Lond) 332: 187-202

· Benedetti F, Montarolo PG, Strata P, Tempia F (1983) Inferior olive inactivation decreases the excitability of the intracerebellar and lateral vestibular nuclei in the rat. J Physiol (Lond) 340: 195-208 [abstract]

· Benedetti F, Montarolo PG, Strata P, Tosi L (1983) Collateral reinnervation in the olivocerebellar pathway in the rat. In: Haber B, Perez-Polo JR, Hashim G, Giuffrida-Stella AM (Eds) Nervous System Regeneration. Alan Liss, Inc, New York, pp 461-464

· Strata P (1984) Recent aspects on the function of the inferior olive. In: Creutzfeldt O, Schmidt RF, Willis WD (Eds) Sensorimotor integration in the nervous system. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo. Exp Brain Res Suppl 9: 184-198

· Batini C, Benedetti F, Buisseret-Delmas C, Montarolo PG, Strata P (1984) Metabolic activity of intracerebellar nuclei in the rat: effect of inferior olive inactivation. Exp Brain Res 54: 259-265 [abstract]

· Strata P (1985) Inferior olive: functional aspects. In: Bloedel JR, Dichgans J, Precht W (Eds) Cerebellar Functions. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 230-246

· Precht W, Blanks RHI, Montarolo PG, Strata P (1985) On the role of the subprimate cerebellar flocculus in the optokinetic reflex and visuo-vestibular interaction. In: Bloedel JR, Dichgans J, Precht W (Eds) Cerebellar Functions. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 86-108

· Batini C, Bernard JF, Montarolo PG, Strata P (1985) Tonic influence of the climbing fiber system on the postural activity. In: Bloedel JR, Dichgans J, Precht W (Eds) Cerebellar Functions. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 280-281

· Rabacchi S, Rocca P, Strata P (1986) Influence of inferior olive on flexor reflex activity. Exp Brain Res 63: 191-196 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Cantino D, Strata P (1987) Morphology of Purkinje cell axon terminals in intracerebellar nuclei following inferior olive lesion. Neuroscience 22: 99-112[abstract]

· Strata P (1987) Inferior olive and motor control. In: Glickstein M, Stein J, Yeo C (Eds) Cerebellum and neuronal plasticity. Plenum, New York, London, pp 209-223

· Hess BJM, Savio T, Strata P (1988) Dynamic characteristics of optokinetically controlled eye movements following inferior olive lesions in the brown rat. J Physiol (Lond) 397: 349-370 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Chelazzi L, Tempia F, Strata P (1988) Antagonist action of imidazobenzodiazepine Ro 15-4513 on ethanol induced alterations of saccadic eye movements in the pigmented rat. Neurosci Lett 89: 69-73 [abstract]

· Strata P, Benedetti F (1988) Aspetti di fisiologia del magnesio. EMI Editrice, Pavia

· Tempia F, Chelazzi L, Rossi F, Ghirardi M, Strata P (1989) Spontaneous saccades in the pigmented rat after inferior olive lesion. In: Strata P (Ed) The olivocerebellar system in motor control. Exp Brain Res Series 17: 294-298

· Strata P, Montarolo PG, Hess BJM (1989) Role of inferior olive in the control of eye movements. In: Strata P (Ed) The olivocerebellar system in motor control. Exp Brain Res Series 17: 281-293

· Strata P (1989) (Ed) The olivocerebellar system in motor control. Exp Brain Res Series, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, pp 1-460

· Rossi F, Chelazzi L, Tempia F, Strata P (1989) Effects of ethanol and imidazobenzodiazepine Ro 15-4513 on spontaneous saccades of the pigmented rat. Exp Brain Res 76:1-11 [abstract]

· Lopiano L, Chelazzi L, de’Sperati C, Tempia F, Strata P (1989) Magnesium deficiency affects the pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in magnesium-deprived rats. Funct. Neurol. 4: 229-234 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Wiklund L, van der Want JJL, Strata P (1989) Climbing fiber plasticity in the cerebellum of the adult rat. Eur J Neurosci 1:543-547 [abstract]

· Chelazzi L, Rossi F, Tempia F, Ghirardi M, Strata P (1989) Saccadic eye movements and gaze holding in the head-restrained pigmented rat. Eur J Neurosci 1: 639-646 [abstract]

· Benedetti F, Strata P (1989) Functional synaptogenesis in the cerebellum cortex after inferior olive lesion. In: Bonavita V, Piccoli F (Eds) Biological aspects of neuron activity. Fidia Biomedical Informations (Padova), pp 97-107

· Eccles JC, Strata P (1989) Cervello e creatività. Sfera 4: 16-18

· Wilkund L, Rossi F, Strata P, van der Want JJL (1990) The rat olivocerebellar system visualized in detail with anterograde PHA-L tracing technique, and sprouting of climbing fibers demonstrated after subtotal olivary lesions. Eur J Morphol 28: 256-267 [abstract]

· Strata P, Chelazzi L, Ghirardi M, Rossi F, Tempia F (1990) Spontaneous saccades and gaze holding ability in the pigmented rat: I. effects of inferior olive lesion. Eur J Neurosci 2: 1074-1084 [abstract]

· Chelazzi L, Ghirardi M, Rossi F, Strata P, Tempia F (1990) Spontaneous saccades and gaze holding ability in the pigmented rat: II. effects of localized cerebellar lesions. Eur J Neurosci 2: 1085-1094 [abstract]

· Strata P, Carbone E (Eds) (1990) Magnesium and excitable membranes. Springer: Berlin, pp 1-150

· Giorello G, Strata P (Eds) (1991) L’automa spirituale. Laterza, Bari

· Rossi F, Wiklund L, Van der Want JJL, Strata P (1991) Reinnervation of cerebellar Purkinje cells by climbing fibres surviving a subtotal lesion of the inferior olive in the adult rat. I. Development of new collateral branches and terminal plexuses. J Comp Neurol 308: 513-535 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Van der Want JJL, Wiklund L, Strata P (1991) Reinnervation of cerebellar Purkinje cells by climbing fibres surviving a subtotal lesion of the inferior olive in the adult rat. II. Synaptic organization on reinnervated Purkinje cells. J Comp Neurol 308: 536-554 [abstract]

· Tempia F, Dieringer N, Strata P (1991) Adaptation and habituation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in intact and inferior olive-lesioned rats. Exp Brain Res 86: 568-578[abstract]

· Rossi F, Borsello T, Strata P (1992) Embryonic Purkinje cells grafted on the surface of the cerebellar cortex integrate in the adult unlesioned cerebellum. Eur J Neurosci 4: 589-593 [abstract]

· Tempia F, Ghirardi M, Dotta M, Strata P (1992) Spontaneous gaze shifts in intact head-free rats and following inferior olive and cerebellar lesions. Eur J Neurosci 4: 1239-1248 [abstract]

· Strata P, Chelazzi L, Tempia F, Rossi F, Ghirardi M (1992) Cerebellar control of saccadic eye movements in the pigmented rat. In: Llinás R. e Sotelo C. (Eds) Cerebellum revisited. Springer, Berlin pp 215-225

· de’Sperati C, Montarolo PG, Strata P (1993) Effects of inferior olive inactivation and lesion on the activity of medial vestibular neurons in the rat. Neuroscience 53: 139-147 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Borsello T, Vaudano E, Strata P (1993) Regressive modifications of climbing fibres following Purkinje cell degeneration in the cerebellar cortex of the adult rat. Neuroscience 53: 759-778 [abstract]

· Wiklund L, Rossi F, Strata P, van der Want JJL (1993) Collateral sprouting of cerebellar climbing fibers after subtotal lesions of the inferior olive. In Trouillas P. e Fuxe K. (Eds) Serotonin, the Cerebellum and Ataxia. Raven Press, New York, pp 291-296

· Strata P, Rossi F (1994) Cellular plasticity at the climbing fibre-Purkinje cell synapse as a model of plasticity in adulthood and ageing. Neurochem Int 25: 85-91[abstract]

· Strata P, Rossi F, Tempia F (1994) Role of the inferior olive in the performance of the saccadic neural integrator. In: Fuchs AF, Brandt TH, Buttner U and Zee DS (Eds) Contemporary ocular and vestibular research: a tribute to David A. Robinson. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, pp 203-205

· Gauthier GM, de’Sperati C, Tempia F, Marchetti E, Strata P (1994) Eye motion-coding information mediate adaptive modification of vestibulo-ocular reflex in rat. In: Fuchs AF, Brandt TH, Buttner U and Zee DS (Eds) Contemporary ocular and vestibular research: a tribute to David A. Robinson. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, pp 60-67

· Rossi F, Borsello T, Strata P (1994) Embryonic Purkinje cells grafted on the surface of the adult uninjured rat cerebellum migrate in the host parenchyma and induce sprouting of intact climbing fibres. Eur J Neurosci 6: 121-136 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Borsello T, Strata P (1994) Exposure to kainic acid mimics the effects of axotomy in cerebellar Purkinje cells of the adult rat. Eur J Neurosci 6: 392-402[abstract]

· de’Sperati C, Tempia F, Harvey RJH, Strata P (1994) Vergence compensation during binocularly- and monocularly-evoked horizontal optokinetic nystagmus in the pigmented rat. Vision Res 34: 3335-3345 [abstract]

· Changeux J-P et al (1994) European brain research [letter]. Nature 369

· Gauthier GM, de’Sperati C, Tempia F, Marchetti E, Strata P (1995) Influence of eye motion on adaptive modifications of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the rat. Exp Brain Res 103: 393-401 [abstract]

· Bravin M, Rossi F, Strata P (1995) Different climbing fibres innervate separate dendritic regions of the same PC in hypogranular cerebellum. J Comp Neurol 357: 395-407 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Strata P (1995) Reciprocal trophic interactions in the adult climbing fibre-Purkinje cell system. Prog Neurobiol 47:341-369 [abstract]

· Strata P (1995 ) Citation analysis [letter]. Nature 375: 624

· Strata P, Rossi F, Tempia F (1995) Inferior olive and the saccadic neural integrator. In: Ferrell WR, Proske U (Eds) Neural control of movement. Plenum, New York , pp 241-249

· Strata P, Rossi F (1995) Pathway rewiring with neural transplantation. Behav Brain Sci 18: 73

· Verzè L, Buffo A, Rossi F, Oestreicher AB, Gispen WH, Strata P (1996) Increase in GAP-43 immunoreactivity in uninjured muscle nerves of the mdx mice. Neuroscience 70: 807-815 [abstract]

· Zagrebelsky M, Rossi F, Hawkes R, Strata P (1996) Topographically organized climbing fibre sprouting in the adult rat cerebellum. Eur J Neurosci 8: 1051-1054[abstract]

· Tempia F, Bravin M, Strata P (1996) Postsynaptic currents and short-term synaptic plasticity in Purkinje cells grafted onto an uninjured adult cerebellar cortex. Eur J Neurosci 8: 2690-2701 [abstract]

· Bernardi G, Strata P (1996) Le neuroscienze in Italia. Edizioni Mediche Scientifiche Hyppocrates, Milano pp. 751-755

· Strata P (1997) Neuroscienze. Dizionario Enciclopedico UTET, Torino, pp. 406-407

· Strata P, Tempia F, Zagrebelsky M, Rossi F (1997) Reciprocal trophic interactions between climbing fibres and Purkinje cells in the rat cerebellum. Prog Brain Res 114: 263-282 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Bravin M, Buffo A, Fronte M, Savio T, Strata P (1997) Intrinsic properties and environmental factors in the regeneration of adult cerebellar axons. Prog Brain Res 114: 283-296 [abstract]

· De Zeeuw CI, Strata P, Voogd J (Eds) (1997) The cerebellum: from structure to function. Progr Brain Res 114, pp.1-610, Elsevier, Amsterdam

· Zagrebelsky M, Strata P, Hawkes R, Rossi F (1997) Reestablishment of the olivocerebellar projection map by compensatory transcommissural reinnervation following unilateral transection of the inferior cerebellar peduncle in the newborn rat. J Comp Neurol 379: 283-299 [abstract]

· Harvey RJ, de’Sperati C, Strata P (1997) The early phase of horizontal optokinetic responses in the pigmented rat and the effects of lesions of the visual cortex. Vision Res 37: 1615-1625 [abstract]

· Buffo A, Holtmaat AJDG, Savio T, Verbeek JS, Oberdick J, Oestreicher AB, Gispen WH, Verhaagen J, Rossi F, Strata P (1997) Targeted overexpression of the neurite growth-associated protein B-50/GAP-43 in cerebellar Purkinje cells induces sprouting following axotomy, but not axon regeneration into growth permissive transplants. J Neurosci 17: 8778-8791 [abstract]

· Bravin M, Savio T, Strata P, Rossi F (1997) Olivocerebellar axon regeneration and target reinnervation following dissociated Schwann cell grafts in surgically injured cerebella of adult rats. Eur J Neurosci 9: 2634-2649 [abstract]

· Strata P, Rossi F (1998) Plasticity in the olivocerebellar pathway. Trends Neurosci 21:407-413 [abstract]

· Tempia F, Miniaci MC, Anchisi D, Strata P (1998) A postsynaptic current mediated by metabotropic glutamate receptors in cerebellar Purkinje cells. J Neurophysiol 80:520-528 [abstract]

· Zagrebelski M, Buffo A, Skerra A, Schwab ME, Strata P, Rossi F (1998) Retrograde regulation of growth-associated gene expression in adult rat Purkinje cells by myelin-associated neurite growth inhibitory proteins. J Neurosci 18:7912-7929 [abstract]

· Strata P (1998) Cervelletto-Fisiologia. Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, USES Ed Scient, Firenze pp. 1031-1043

· Rossi F, Strata P (1998) Trapianto di cellule nervose nel cervello adulto. Le Scienze (Italian Edition of Scientific American), 358:48-56

· Strata P, Bravin M, Zagrebelky M, Rossi F (1998) Map projections rewiring in the adult cerebellum after lesion. In ‘International School of Biophysics: Neural Circuits and Networks’. Nicholls J, Torre V (Eds) Nato ASI Series F, Vol. 167, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 169-185

· Strata P, Buffo A, Rossi F (1999) Mechanisms of axonal plasticity. Arch Ital Biol 137:181-192 [abstract]

· Strata P. (1999) Cervelletto. L’Universo del Corpo,.Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 648-651

· Strata P. (1999) Equilibrio. L’universo del Corpo, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 372-373

· Bravin M, Morando L, Vercelli A, Rossi F, Strata P (1999) Control of spine formation by electrical activity in the adult cerebellum. Proc Natl Acad Sci 96: 1704-1709[abstract]

· Neppi-Modona M, Rossi F, Strata P (1999) Phenotype changes of inferior olive neurons following collateral reinnervation. Neuroscience 94: 209-215 [abstract]

· Strata P, Harvey R (1999) Dale’s principle. Brain Res Bull 50: 349-350

· Buffo A, Zagrebelsky M, Huber AB, Skerra A, Schwab ME, Strata P, Rossi F (2000) Application of neutralizing antibodies against NI-35/250 myelin-associated neurite growth inhibitory proteins to the adult rat cerebellum induces sprouting of uninjured Purkinje cell axons. J Neurosci 20 :2275-2286 [abstract]

· Chiesa N, Barlow C, Wynshaw-Boris A, Strata P, Tempia F (2000) Atm-deficient mice Purkinje cells show age dependent defects in calcium spike bursts and calcium currents. Neuroscience 96: 575-583 [abstract]

· Strata P, Morando L, Bravin M, Rossi F (2000) Dendritic spine density in Purkinje cells. Trends Neurosci 23, 198

· Knöpfel T, Anchisi D, Alojado ME, Tempia F, Strata P. (2000) Elevation of intradendritic sodium concentration mediated by synaptic activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Eur J Neurosci 12: 2199-2204 [abstract]

· Strata P. (2000) Recollections of my life with Sir John. In Eccles H., Biersack H. J. (Eds) Sir John Eccles. In memoriam- a tireless warrior for dualism. Ecomed, Landsberg

· Morando L, Cesa R, Rasetti R, Harvey R and Strata P. (2001) Role of glutamate d-2 receptors in activity-dependent competition between heterologous afferent fibers. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98: 9954-9959 [abstract]

· Tempia F, Alojado ME, Strata P and Knöpfel T (2001) Characterization of the mGluR1- mediated electrical and calcium signaling in Purkinje cells of mouse cerebellar slices. J Neurophysiol 86: 1389-1397 [abstract]

· Miniaci MC, Bonsi P, Tempia F, Strata P and Pisani A (2001) Presynaptic modulation by group III metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) of the excitatory postsynaptic potential mediated by mGluR1 in rat cerebellar Purkinje cells Presynaptic modulation by group III mGluRs of the EPSP mediated by postsynaptic mGluR1 in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Neurosci Lett 310: 61-65 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Buffo A, Strata P (2001) Regulation of intrinsic regenerative properties and axonal plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Restor Neurol Neurosci 19: 85-94[abstract]

· Strata P, Buffo A and Rossi F (2001) Regenerative events in the olivocerebellar pathway. Restor Neurol Neurosci 19: 95-106 [abstract]

· Rossi F, Saggiorato C, Strata P (2002) Target-specific innervation of embryonic cerebellar transplants by regenerating olivocerebellar axons in the adult rat. Exp Neurol 173: 205-212 [abstract]

· Carulli D, Buffo A, Botta C, Altruda F and Strata P (2002) Regenerative and survival capabilities of Purkinje cells overepressing c-Jun. Eur J Neurosci 16: 105-118[abstract]

· Strata P (2002) Dendritic spines in Purkinje cells. The Cerebellum 1: 230-232

· Scelfo B, Strata P, Knöpfel T (2003) Sodium imaging of climbing fiber innervation fields in developing mouse Purkinje cells. J Neurophysiol 89: 2555-2563[abstract]

· Cesa R, Morando L, Strata P (2003) Glutamate receptor d2 subunit in activity dependent heterologous synaptic competition. J Neurosci 23: 2363-2370 [abstract]

· Andjus PR, Zhu L, Cesa, R, Carulli D. Strata P (2003) A change in the pattern of activity affects the developmental regression of the Purkinje cell polyinnervation by climbing fibers in the rat cerebellum. Neuroscience 121: 563-572 [abstract]

· Buffo A, Carulli D, Rossi F, Strata P (2003) Extrinsic regulation of injury/growth-related gene expression in the adult inferior olive. Eur J Neurosci 18: 2146-2158[abstract]

· Carulli D, Buffo A, Strata P (2004) Reparative mechanisms in the cerebellar cortex. Progr Neurobiol 72: 373-398 [abstract]

· Sacchetti B, Scelfo B, Tempia, Strata P (2004) Long-term synaptic changes induced in the cerebellar cortex by fear conditioning. Neuron 42: 973-982 [abstract]

· Cesa R, Strata P. (2004) Axonal and synaptic remodeling in the mature cerebellar cortex. Prog Brain Res 148: 45-56 [abstract]

· Zhu L, Strata P, Andjus PR, (2004) Pharmacology of the metabotropic glutamate receptor mediated current at the climbing fiber to Purkinje cell synapse. Prog Brain Res 148:299-306 [abstract]

· Scelfo B, Strata P. (2005) Correlation between multiple climbing fiber regression and parallel fiber response development in the post-natal mouse cerebellum. Eur J Neurosci 21:971-978 [abstract]

·Harvey RJ, Morando L, Rasetti R, Strata P (2005) Spontaneous electrical activity and dendritic spine size in mature cerebellar Purkinje cells. Eur J Neuroci 21: 1777-1784 [abstract]

·Sacchetti B, Scelfo B, Strata P (2005) The Cerebellum: Synaptic Changes and Fear conditioning. The Neuroscientist, 11: 217-227 [abstract]

·Cesa R, Morando L, Strata P (2005) Purkinje cell spinogenesis during architectural rewiring in the mature cerebellum. Eur J Neurosci 22: 579-587 [abstract]

·Morando L, Cesa R, Harvey RJ, Strata P (2005) Spontaneous Electrical Activity and Structural Plasticity in the Mature Cerebellar Cortex. Ann NY Acad Sci 1048: 131–140 [abstract]

·Andjus PR, Bajic A, Zhu L, Schachner M, Strata P (2005) Short-Term Facilitation and Depression in the Cerebellum. Some Observations on Wild Type and Mutant Rodents Deficient in the Extracellular Matrix Molecule Tenascin C. Ann NY Acad Sci 1048: 185-197 [abstract]

·Milašin J, Buffo A, Carulli D, Andjus P, Strata P (2005) MAPK Activation in Cerebellar Basket Cell Terminals after Harmaline Treatment. Ann NY Acad Sci 1048: 411-417 [abstract]

·Illes J, Blakemore C, Hansson MG, Hensch TK, Leshner A, Maestre G, Magistretti P, Quiron R, Strata P (2005) Science and society: International perspectives on engaging the public in neuroethics. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6: 977-982 [abstract]
·Andjus PR, Bajic A, Zhu L, Strata P (2005) Metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated currents at the climbing fiber to Purkinje cell synapse. J Chem Inf Model. (previously J Chem Inf Comp Sci) 45: 1536-1538 [abstract]

·Carulli D, Rhodes KE, Brown DJ, Bonnert TP, Pollack SJ, Strata P and Fawcett JW (2006) The composition of perineuronal nets in the adult rat cerebellum and the cellular origin of their components. J comp Neurol 494: 559-577 [abstract]

·Zhu L, Scelfo B, Tempia F, Sacchetti B, Strata P (2006) Membrane excitability and fear conditioning in cerebellar Purkinje cell. Neuroscience 140: 801-810 [abstract]

Cesa R., Scelfo, B. Strata P (2007) Activity-dependent presynaptic and postsynaptic structural plasticity in the mature cerebellum. J Neurosci 27: 4603-4611[abstract]

Milasin JM, Buffo A, Carulli D, Strata P (2007) Intensive remodeling of Purkinje cell spines after climbing fibers deafferentation does not involve MAPK and Akt activation. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1096: 230-238 [abstract]

Sacchetti B, Sacco T, Strata P. (2007) Reversible inactivation of amygdala and cerebellum but not perirhinal cortex impairs reactivated fear memories. Eur J Neurosci 25: 2875-2884 [abstract]

Cesa R, Strata P (2007) Activity-dependent axonal and synaptic plasticity in the cerebellum. Psychoneuroendocrinology, doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2007.04.016 Psychoneuroendocrinology (2007) 32: S31-S35

Zhu L, Scelfo B, Hartell N, Strata P, Sacchetti B (2007) The effects of fear conditioning on cerebellar LTP and LTD. Eur J Neurosci 26: 219-227 [abstract]

Scelfo B, Sacchetti B, Strata P (2008) Learning-related long-term potentiation of inhibitory synapses in the cerebellar cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:769-774 (open access article) [abstract]

Mandolesi G, Cesa R, Autuori E, Strata P. (2008) An orphan ionotropic glutamate receptor: The delta2 subunit. Neuroscience. 2008 Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 18424007 [abstract]

Patrizi A, Scelfo B, Viltono L, Briatore F, Fukaya M, Watanabe M, Strata P, Varoqueaux F, Brose N, Fritschy J-M, Sassoé-Pognetto M (2008) Synapse formation and clustering of neuroligin-2 in the absence of GABAA receptors. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 105:13151-13156 [abstract]

Cesa R, Morando L, Strata P (2008) Transmitter-receptor mismatch in GABAergic synapses in the absence of activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 105:18988-18993 open access article [abstract]

Strata P, Thach WT, Ottersen OP (2009) New insights in cerebellar function. Neuroscience 162:545-548

Sacchetti B, Scelfo B, Strata P (2009) Cerebellum and emotional behavior. Neuroscience 162:756-762 [abstract]

Mandolesi G, Autuori E, Cesa R, Premoselli F, Cesare P, Strata P (2009) GluRdelta2 expression in the mature cerebellum of hotfoot mice promotes parallel fiber synaptogenesis and axonal competition. PLoS One 4(4):e5243 [abstract]

Cesa R, Strata P (2009) Axonal competition in the synaptic wiring of the cerebellar cortex during development and in the mature cerebellum. Neuroscience 162:624-632 [abstract]

Glickstein M, Strata P, Voogd J (2009) Cerebellum: history. Neuroscience 162:549-559 [abstract]

Biamonte F, Assenza G, Marino R, D’Amelio M, Panteri R, Caruso D, Scurati S, Yague JG, Garcia-Segura LM, Cesa R, Strata P, Melcangi RC, Keller F (2009)Interactions between neuroactive steroids and reelin haploinsufficiency in Purkinje cell survival. Neurobiol Dis. 36(1):103-15 [abstract]

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